- Crockett Elementary
- Welcome
Crockett ES Principal Profile Community Meeting
Good Evening Crockett Elementary parents. As many of you know, Dr. Cunningham, Principal of Crockett Elementary has announced his promotion as the new Director of Secondary Instruction for San Marcos CISD. While we are very excited for him, the task of identifying candidates and selecting a new principal is quickly underway. You are invited to participate in a Principal Profile meeting in the Crockett Elementary cafeteria on Tuesday, July 12 at 6 pm to provide input in the selection of a new principal. A Spanish interpreter will be provided as needed. We look forward to meeting with you on Tuesday.
Buenos tardes padres de familia de la Primaria Crockett. Como muchos de ustedes saben, el director de la Primaria Crockett, Dr. Cunningham, ha anunciado su ascenso a Director de Instrucción de Secundaria con San Marcos CISD . Si bien estamos muy contentos por él, la tarea de identificar candidatos y seleccionar un nuevo director está en marcha rápidamente. Están invitados a participar en una junta para el perfil del director en la cafetería de la Escuela Primaria Crockett el Martes, 12 de julio a las 6:00 pm donde tendrán la oportunidad de aportar información para la selección de un nuevo director. Se proveerá un intérprete de español cuando sea necesario. Esperamos verlos en la junta el martes.
Our School Name
David Crockett was known for his unique style of oratory. He served as a Congressman before joining the Texians in their struggle for freedom at the Alamo.
School Mission
Crockett Elementary faculty and staff will provide all children with quality instruction and equal educational opportunities. Together we will guide our students as they develop into educated, caring and productive citizens.
Core Beliefs
We believe that students can learn to their maximum potential. We believe that if they haven't learned it, then we haven't taught it. We value an individualized approach where all stakeholders share responsibility for reaching every child. We believe that by engaging a student and maximizing our resources we can help them be well rounded and inspired.
2021-22 Title I Compact:
Crockett Elementary and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title 1, Part A funds agree that this compact outlines how parents, students, and school staff will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which we will build a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.
Student Pledge: I will...
- Come to school on time every day that I am well.
- Do my very best every day.
- Follow the school rules so that everyone can learn and be safe.
- Respect my parents and teachers.
- Let my teacher and family know if I need help.
- Behave in a way that helps learning in class.
- Bring my parents the notes my teacher sends.
Parent Pledge: I will...
- Talk to my child about what he/she is learning in school.
- Read with my child.
- Make sure my child attends school consistently and on time.
- Connect Reading and math to real life situations.
- Use any instructional materials that the school sends home each week to help my child.
- Through my words and actions, show my child that I value education and that school is important.
- Use the learning materials and activities the school sends home to help my child.
- Be actively involved in school by: reading the newsletter or checking school website regularly, volunteering at school, or attending school functions.
Teacher Plegde: I will...
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.
- Keep students and parents informed of student progress.
- Communicate regularly with parents via newsletters, email, phone, notes or personal contact.
- Send home learning materials and activities to support my students’ needs.
- Provide information about online ways that my students can learn.
- Make sure students understand the assignment and grade it promptly.
- Continually work on my teaching strategies so that I can successfully teach all children.
The San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District (SMCISD) and Crockett Elementary are committed to creating a strong partnership with parents and families that is built on trust. This partnership is based on an agreement in which all members understand and accept their roles and responsibilities in helping students do well in school. It is a partnership through which all members will work to:
∙ Welcome each other
∙ Offer their personal strengths and knowledge
∙ Provide assistance, and
∙ Listen and speak respectfully to each other
Engagement: What does it look like?
In order to create a strong partnership that will improve student learning, Crockett Elementary will create a committee to lead the work of parent and student engagement. The work of the committee will focus on engaging parents and students so that it helps students do well in school. Engaging parents and students may include opportunities such as:
∙ After school clubs for students
∙ Extra-curricular opportunities for students
∙ Parent/teacher conferences
∙ School meetings to inform parents about how the students performed on state assessments
∙ Volunteering at your child’s school
∙ Special community celebrations such as math and science fairs, reading carnivals, or student activities
∙ Trainings such as finding your child’s grades and attendance records online or finding community resources to provide learning opportunities for your child outside of school
∙ Parent learning opportunities such as computer classes or classes to understand if your child is making good progress in his/her classes
Committees: What will they look like?
Crockett Elementary will have a committee that will focus on parent and student engagement. The committee will include representation from parents, students, District employees, and community members. The committee will be named Crockett Elementary Parent and Student Engagement (PaSE) Committee.
The Crockett Elementary Parent and Student Engagement (PaSE) Committee will provide training to campus staff throughout each school year. The training will include (but not limited to):
∙ The importance of parent and family engagement
∙ Effective ways of reaching out to parents and community in order to build positive relationships
∙ Creating a welcoming and service-oriented school setting
The Crockett Elementary Parent and Student Engagement (PaSE) Committee will provide training to parents/families throughout the school year. The training will include (but not limited to):
∙ Helping parents and families understand what the State of Texas and Crockett Elementary expects students to learn for each grade level
∙ Helping parents and families understand how the State and Crockett Elementary will check to see if students have met the expectations
∙ Helping parents and families understand how they can check to see how their child is doing in school
∙ Helping parents and families understand how they can help their child if he/she is not doing well in school
Crockett Elementary will use different ways of communicating with parents and families to increase outreach. These will include:
∙ Newsletters, flyers, posters
∙ Phone calls, emails
∙ District website
∙ Social media (Twitter and Facebook)
∙ Home and community visits
∙ SMCISD Mobile App
Besides English, Crockett Elementary will provide communication in Spanish as necessary.
Crockett Elementary will have available a parent liaison as a point of contact for parents and families. The parent liaison will be the link between home and school. The parent liaisons provide a great service to the school and help parents and families in many ways including:
∙ Contacting teachers and counselors
∙ Becoming a volunteer at your child’s school
∙ Providing classes of interest to parents and families
∙ Providing information about after school programs that are available
∙ Providing school supplies to students who cannot afford their own
∙ Connecting to support services such as housing, clothing, medical, food, and student/family counseling ∙ Home visits to bridge communication between home and school
Crockett Elementary will support campus efforts to engage parents and families in order to help student learning by:
∙ Providing funds to purchase materials and provide learning opportunities to parents and families
∙ Partnering with community organizations that will help parents and families understand community resources and opportunities and how to access resources
Crockett Elementary leadership will meet multiple times throughout the school year to see how the campus is doing in engaging parents and families in order to improve student learning. If needed, recommendations will be made to the Parent and Student Engagement (PaSE) Committee for improvement. Crockett Elementary will conduct an evaluation at the end of each year to see how to improve the partnership with parents and families for the following school year. The evaluation will focus on how the campus:
∙ Worked with parents and families to increase understanding of how their child/children did in school
∙ Worked with parents and families to increase understanding of what they could have done to help their child/children when they were not doing well in school
∙ Worked with parents and families who were not able to participate in opportunities provided by the Campus or District
∙ Worked with parents and families to help with any challenges that may have prevented them from participating in opportunities provided by the Campus or District
Communities in Schools (CIS):
Crockett Elementary has formed a partnership with Communities in Schools beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. CIS will expand our network of outreach services, as well as provide valuable in-house mentoring opportunities. CIS will work in tandem with our parent liaison, counselor, and administration to quantitatively and qualitatively improve Crockett’s parent and community engagement.
As members of a larger community, we all have a great responsibility to work together to raise happy and healthy students that are well prepared to live life to the fullest. By working alongside students, parents, families, and community members, the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District and Crockett Elementary are committed to: creating a strong partnership built on trust; continuously improving the communication between home and school; maintaining students, parents, families, and community members well informed of important information; and providing school and community events that invite us all to learn and grow together.