Crockett Elementary Guidance & Counseling
Connor Kingery
School Counselor
Counseling Program Mission Statement
Crockett Elementary School Counseling Program is driven by data, guided by proactive advocacy and powered by collaboration with stakeholders. The program provides access to equitable accommodations, academic opportunities and effective goal setting, in order to produce participatory leaders in the community.
Positive Attitudes & Endless Possibilities
Miss Kingery is a certified school counseling professional. Her background consists of 7 years as an elementary school teacher and 1 year as a school counselor. She strives to build realtionships with every student in school in order for every student to feel loved and supported. She stands in students' corners and teaches them how to advocate for themselves. Her approach to solving problems is teaching students how to be problem-solvers. She aims to support students in their learning and helping build resilience.
Comprehensive Guidance Program
My counseling program at Crockett ES offers an array of services and resources. These services include:
Guidance Lessons (once a month per class)
Short-term counseling small groups (6-8 weeks)
Short-term individual counseling (about 5-7 sessions)
Parent support/parent outreach/parent conferences
Mentoring program
Leadership team
Check-ins with students
Helping to find outside mental health services for families