About the Andrew Flusche Scholarship

  • The Andrew Flusche & Fitzgerald Undergrad Scholarship Contest requires students to raise awareness about different legal issues. Applicants must create a public service advertisement video (PSA) about this prompt: What should motorists do while driving if they see a law enforcement vehicle that is stopped on the side of the road?

    To be eligible for this scholarship applicants should be United States citizens or lawful residents who are:

    • Accepted into a U.S. college, university, graduate school, or trade school.
    • Enrolled in a U.S. college, university, or trade school.

    We want to see how creative and convincing you can be with your video. Make sure it is geared toward your peers. Videos can be technical, narrative, documentary, fiction or any other video style you can think of. Video selfies will not be considered. Be creative! The video must be your original creation.

    Your PSA will be judged on the level of creativity and persuasiveness, as well as how informative it is.

    Scholarship Amount: $500

    Application Deadline: November 30, 2023