
  • Please pay attention to the specific details for each individual local scholarship. The majority utilize the SMHS general application form, but several have their own special instructions unique to their specific organization.

    Almost all scholarships are available for any type of post-secondary opportunities, be they a traditional 4-year university, community college or trade school. In other words, if you are continuing your education after high school in any way, please take some time to try and secure some of the financial assistance provided by our generous local community to help you pay for it!

    Applications can be downloaded from this website or paper copies can be picked up at the Rattler Resource Center.

    Unless a different date or delivery method is noted in the specific local scholarship details, completed applications are due to Dr. Cunningham in the Rattler Resource Center by 5pm on March 8th, 2024 (unless you need us to make copies for you; if that is the case they will be due March 1, 2024; see below).

    Note: You need to be very clear regarding which scholarships you are applying for. This can be done in two ways. If you are printing your applications yourself, simply bring a copy of every scholarship to which you are applying clearly labeled where it is supposed to go. 

    If you need me to make copies for you, I need to be provided with the completed document (either electronically or a hard copy) with a cover sheet clearly designating which scholarships you are applying for. This needs to be provided to me by 5pm on March 1st so I have sufficient time to run all the copies necessary to provide to the scholarship funders by my March 12th deadline. 

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me for assistance. Good luck!