Exclusion from School

  • San Marcos CISD enforces guidelines regarding illness and when to stay home from school, and it takes parents and staff members working together to be successful.

    Student or Staff Illness

    All students and staff should stay home when feeling sick and individuals who come to school or work with symptoms of an illness may be isolated and sent home.  Students and staff should not attend school under the following circumstances:  

    • Temperature of 100.4 degrees or more. Keep the child at home until fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications such as the use of Tylenol, Advil, or any other analgesic.
    • Signs of severe illness, including fever, irritability, difficulty breathing, and unusual crying that doesn’t stop with the usual comforting or extreme sleepiness.  
      Diarrhea (3 or more episodes of loose stools in 24 hours). An individual must be diarrhea free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea-suppressing medications.  
    • Vomiting two or more times in 24 hours, unless a physician feels the cause of vomiting is not an infectious disease and the individual is in no danger of becoming dehydrated. An individual should have one or two meals without vomiting before returning to school.  A student or staff member may be sent home from school for vomiting one time if the school nurse deems it necessary.
    • Questionable rash until a physician has determined the rash is not caused by an infectious disease.  
    • Mouth and tonsillar sores must have a physician’s note to return to school.  
    • Known communicable diseases must be treated for the appropriate amount of time as directed by a physician.  
    • Recommendation from a physician or a school nurse.  


Last Modified on November 13, 2024