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2024-2025 Transportation Registration Form

  • Hello SMCISD Families,

    The San Marcos CISD Transportation Department is committed to providing an easy way to register your child(ren) for school bus transportation. To guarantee school bus transportation for your child(ren) starting on the first day of school, please make the request by Thursday, August 1st

    Any requests after August 1st will need to be made at the student(s) home campus beginning August 2nd. Any requests made after August 6th will not be guaranteed transportation services until the week of August 26th. 


    Make sure all the information is correct before submitting your form. Once SMCISD Transportation has received your submission, your student(s) information will be processed and then the student(s) will be added to a bus route. On August 8th a notification will be sent out for all families to login to My Ride K-12 https://www.smcisd.net/Page/5232 or Home Access Center https://www.smcisd.net/Page/2028  to view route information.

    Please note, students who agreed to an out-of-zone transfer are not eligible for school bus transportation. Please contact the campus your child(ren) attends to request transportation for Special Needs, Pre-K,  McKinney Vento, Dual Language or to a grandparent’s house. Student(s) who do not ride for 5 consecutive days will be removed from the bus route if notice is not provided. If your student(s) will be absent from the route for 5 days or more, or if you have any questions or concerns, call our dispatch office at (512)393-6521 or email at smtransportation@smcisd.net.

    You can read about regular and special route transportation criteria and parameters at https://www.smcisd.net/Page/801


Rebound DAEP Transportation Update

  • As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we want to bring to your attention a modification pertaining to transportation for the Rebound DAEP program. Starting August 13, 2024, transportation services will no longer be provided for the Rebound Program. We kindly request that you make appropriate arrangements to ensure your students have reliable transportation to and from school for this program. 

    Transportation services may be reinstated for eligible students once they have returned to their home campus. Parents/Guardians are required to contact their home campus to re-enroll their student for bus service. 

    We appreciate your attention to this matter, and thank you for your cooperation.

Contact Us

  • Transportation Department

  • East Side Address

  • West Side Address