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Welcome to San Marcos CISD Child Nutrition
Program Overview
All San Marcos CISD students will continue to receive breakfast and lunch for FREE under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals.
SMCISD Child Nutrition Program participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) which are federally assisted meal programs. The NSLP allows schools to receive money and food from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). To receive these benefits, schools must serve meals meeting federal requirements regarding components, nutrients, and portion size. A complete meal which meets federal requirements is referred to as a reimbursable meal. All students must have access to the same meal components, ensuring a reimbursable meal is being offered.
Offer vs Serve (OVS)
Offer vs Serve (OVS) is a provision in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) that reduces food waste and gives students more choice in their meals. Students are allowed to decline some of the food items offered, but must select a minimum number of components.
With Offer vs Serve for breakfast, students at all grade levels must select:
- Students must select at least 3 food items.
- One item must be 1/2 cup serving of fruit or vegetable.
- The breakfast meal pattern consists of three food components.
- Grains
- Fruit
- Milk
With Offer vs Serve for lunch, students at all grade levels must select:
- Students must select at least 3 out of the 5 components.
- One selection must be at least 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable.
- The lunch meal patten consists of five food components:
- Meat/Meat Alternative
- Grains
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Milk
Meals for adults and visitors meet the same standards as student meals but are not reimbursable and are priced to cover the full cost of the meal.
San Marcos CISD is honored to be one of 55 Texas Summer Meals sponsors recognized with the USDA’s gold "Turnip the Beet" award for 2023. This distinction celebrates our commitment to serving nutritious and enjoyable summer meals. We are proud to join 140 other sponsors across the nation in receiving this recognition.