Check-in Procedures

    • All visitors must present valid identification (driver’s license, passport card, passport book, identification card, military card). If the visitor’s picture is visible on the ID, the campus has the right to ask for another piece of identification with a clear picture. 
    • Police officers are not required to provide driver’s licenses and may provide law enforcement badge or valid ID as listed above.
    • CPS staff will present a state issued CPS identification badge OR valid ID as listed above.
    • If a visitor is entering the building, staff will scan the ID through Raptor and issue a Raptor visitor sticker that must be worn and visible. 
    • When exiting the building, visitors must sign out and return their Raptor sticker to the front office staff and immediately exit the building through the front door. 
    • Staff will physically secure the sticker from the visitor and dispose of it.
    • All visitors who intend to enter the building will be scanned into Raptor.
    • Visitors who frequent the campus and already have an ID saved in Raptor must still present an ID when checking-in and a Raptor sticker must be issued. 
    • Visitors only need to be signed in on Raptor once in a school day.  
    • With large campus-wide events (Grandparent’s Day, Field Day, Awards Ceremonies etc.) visitors must still be signed into Raptor. To expedite check-in procedures, it is acceptable to use school visitors stickers rather than Raptor stickers.  
    • When a visitor self-reports or when the visitor is signed into Raptor and it comes back that they are a registered sex offender, staff will:
      • Immediately contact campus administration
      • Campus administration will immediately inform the visitor that they must leave immediately or if applicable, campus administrators will comply with district procedures to work with individuals to supervise the visit, such as when the visitor is not subject to the child safety zone, either due to the nature of the offense or a court order, or when the visitor is a parent or has a legitimate business reason to be present.
      • See Policy GKC for more guidance.
      • Parents/Guardians/Authorized adults must present a valid ID
      • SMCISD employees cannot use their badge as identification and must present a valid ID.
      • Students must be checked out through the Raptor system. However parents do not have to be signed into Raptor unless their intent is to enter the building. 
      • Parent/Guardian/Authorized ID must be scanned in to check out a student.
      • If an unauthorized individual attempts to check out a student but the individual is not on the check out list in eSchool, staff will immediately call one of the parents listed in eSchool. Parent must send an email or fax with a copy of their ID that confirms the request, identifying the unauthorized person, or they can visit the front office to make the request. Staff must direct parent to come to office to update pick up list to allow for the unauthorized person to pick up the child in the future. 
      • Parents may call the office to inform them that someone not on the list is planning to check out the student. Authenticity of caller will be verified by asking the parent the address listed in eSchool and student’s date of birth. Parent will then need to email or fax the request with a copy of their ID attached before the student is released.
    • Employees in the capacity of a parent/guardian will follow all visitor procedures above. Additionally, employees must enter through the front office and not use badge to access the building. When accessing their child, employees may use their employee ID in lieu of Raptor.
    • Employees in a professional capacity (scheduled meetings, observations, etc.) may use their badge to access the building but must sign-in immediately at the front office.
    • All visitors to campus will require that we run their driver’s license through the RAPTOR system, except as indicated in the first section.  NO photocopies will be made of any CPS investigator or law enforcement personnel’s driver’s license.  The sole purpose of requesting the driver’s license is to follow our district wide procedures in accordance with running the ID through RAPTOR.

Last Modified on October 10, 2024