College Career and Military Readiness (CCMR) is about preparing students for life after graduation. It is made up of curriculum, resources, programs and activities that help students have the tools they need to enter college or the workforce and begin a career. CCMR is integrated into the everyday culture of our district and is supported by state guidelines, partnerships with higher education organizations and businesses.
CCMR is the driving force for student preparation from elementary to graduation. Our academic resources are designed to provide a 360-degree framework of support for all students. We also provide opportunities like Early College High School and 21 CTE Programs of Study for students to provide a jump start to post-secondary success.
Helping students to explore and create a pathway for their future is part of the daily mission across the district through our:
Challenging curriculum - High Quality Instruction Materials (HQIM)
Supportive Staff - Administration, Counselors, Post Secondary Success Coordinator, and GEAR UP Coordinators
Events and activities that inspire post-secondary planning such as K-12 College Night and Career Days
College testing paid for by the district (PSAT, SAT, and AP tests)