• San Marcos CISD App banner

    San Marcos CISD Mobile App is ready for download

    The latest news and information from campuses in SMCISD is now available on smartphones and mobile devices with the new mobile app. The San Marcos CISD Mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices (phones & tablets). Windows phone users can visit the web address listed below from their Windows phone to access the app information. https://smcisd.parentlink.net/m/

    The SMCISD Mobile App allows parents and families to stay connected in real time with information on student grades, district notifications, news stories, lunch balances and calendar events and more.

We Have an App

App Installation

  • How to Download the San Marcos CISD App

    • Visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App store to download the San Marcos CISD Mobile App.
    • Search for San Marcos CISD
    • Select "Free" and then "Install"
    • You will need to know your Apple or Google account password
    • After installation, select "Open"

    Supported mobile operating systems
    You must have the following OS systems on your mobile device before installing your school app.

    • iOS 8+
    • Android 5.0+

Get the App

Download the Free Blackboard District App
SMCISD app icon Google Play Available on the AppStore>
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