San Marcos CISD Flyer Approval Guidelines

  • The following guidelines must be met for flyers to be considered for digital distribution:

    • The flyer will automatically have the following disclaimer added to the eflyer: The San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District has approved the distribution of this flyer as a community service. No endorsement of the products or services, however, is stated or implied. 
    • Support the basic educational mission of the district, be of intrinsic value or enrichment nature to the students or their parents/guardians, and/or benefiting to the community of San Marcos CISD in a positive manner.
    • Must be age and/or developmentally appropriate for students.
    • Be in PDF format and smaller than 3 MB in file size.
    • Contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring organization, but should not contain advertising logos or promotions for any business/organization other than the approved entity.
    • No fundraising flyers are allowed from groups outside the school.

    San Marcos CISD will not approve flyers that:

    • Are lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous.
    • Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
    • Advertisements that would prevent the district from maintaining a position of neutrality on political and religious issues or that would create an appearance of favoritism on said issues.
    • Proselytize religious beliefs.
    • Position the district on any side of a controversial issue. 
    • Discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration.
    • Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies, programs, or products unsuitable for children.
    • Solicit funds or services for an organization, with the exception of solicitations authorized in Board policy. 
Last Modified on May 25, 2018