English III

      • Learn about the elements of argument and composition as you develop your critical-reading and writing skills. You’ll read and analyze nonfiction works from various periods and write essays with different aims: for example, to explain an idea, argue a point, or persuade your reader of something.

        Skills You’ll Learn:

        • Reading closely, analyzing, and interpreting a piece of writing
        • Evaluating a source of information
        • Gathering and consolidating information from different sources
        • Writing an evidence-based argument
        • Drafting and revising a piece of writing

        Equivalency and Prerequisites:

        College Course Equivalent

        Recommended Prerequisites

        An introductory college-level literary analysis course




      English IV

      • Learn how to understand and evaluate works of fiction, poetry, and drama from various periods and cultures. You’ll read literary works and write essays to explain and support your analysis of them.

        Skills You’ll Learn:

        • Read the text closely and draw conclusions from the details.
        • Identify the techniques used by an author and their effects.
        • Develop an interpretation of a text.
        • Present your interpretation and make an argument for it in writing.

        Equivalency and Prerequisites:

        College Course Equivalent

        Recommended Prerequisites 

        An introductory college-level literature course


      Last Modified on August 28, 2023