- San Marcos Consolidated ISD
- Response to Intervention (RtI)
Office of Academics
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Response to Intervention (RtI) at SMCISD
SMCISD is committed to providing the highest quality differentiated instruction, using best practices and interventions to match individual student needs in the following ways:
- Building positive relationship with students
- Promoting justice and equity in the classroom (with consideration for cultural and ethnic diversity among students)
- Providing diversity of instructional styles and assessment styles implemented
- Implementing student-centered collaboration, discussion, exploration, discovery, and creation
- Providing mentorship and opportunities for student leadership
- Cultivating a learning environment with relevant, meaningful, real world applications
- Facilitating higher level questioning and critical thinking forums, such as socratic style
- Implementing the strategies of The Fundamental Five, by Sean Cain and Mike Liard, to promote student engagement
- Offering students in same class different teaching and learning strategies (focusing on assessment data and knowledge of student readiness, learning styles, language, and culture)
- Utilizing mixed instructional / small groups, team teaching, peer tutoring, and accommodations to ensure learning accessibility for all students
- Designing curriculum and interventions to ensure that all students reach their fullest potential within a school-wide learning community
- Utilizing progress monitoring and evaluation of outcomes to drive individualized instruction
- Making decisions to provide academic and behavioral supports that meet students’ targeted needs
Desired Outcomes
The goal of implementing Response to Intervention is increased student achievement in order to:
- Maximum Tier 1 core instruction; Tier 2 & 3 strategic and intensive interventions, and behavioral supports for all students
- Targeted instruction and early intervention for at-risk students
- Increase positive student behavior
- Increase graduation rate
- Decrease dropout rate
- Decrease discipline referrals, suspensions, and expulsions
- Improve attendance rates
- Increased positive attitude toward school and academics
- Improved integrity of academic and behavioral interventions through fidelity monitoring of implementation
Last Modified on August 2, 2017