- San Marcos Consolidated ISD
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SMCISD Gifted & Talented Page
SMCISD GT Program Design
San Marcos CISD offers a flexible system of viable program options throughout the district that provide a learning continuum and reinforce the strengths, needs, and interests of gifted and talented students. The district provides an array of learning opportunities that are commensurate with the abilities of gifted/talented students, and that emphasize content in the four (4) core academic areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies).
Services will be available during the school day throughout the entire school year. Parents will be informed of the educational options available to identified students. Program options will enable students to work together as a group; work with other students; participate in research practices independently and in group settings as a direct result of GT program services. Flexible grouping patterns and pacing will be employed to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.
San Marcos CISD will encourage input and recommendations from parents, teachers, and administrators of the gifted. A district gifted advisory group made up of parents, teachers, and administrator volunteers will meet a minimum of two times per year to review and provide feedback on services as needed.